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Issue #6

Uriel Castro
Missing related articles, of course they are related and that section ever place related articles
Alex Schneider
From Checklist#6.3.2:
"Related Articles:
- Are thematically _related_ to the current article.
- Lists of related articles are (relatively) _static_"

"We will accept issues if:
- Other “More” links are identifiable and not _either_ removed or formatted as “Related articles”."

Regarding this case:
1. The block is called "Read also" and not "Related news" or something.
2. It is completely dynamic. You can check it by opening an article from 2018 ( and looking at the links. All of them lead to news from 2019.
3. The linked news are not thematically related. For example, there is a link titled "News from February 11th, 2019", which has nothing to do with the current article.
4. There are actually related links in article bodies that satisfy all the criteria. They are formatted as <related>.

Considering all this, I believe that it's better to remove this block.
Declined by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Feb 12, 2019