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Issue #3

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Wrong date and author missing
"It is possible to omit the author in cases where no name can be seen by a regular user opening the original article in the browser. It is possible to omit the name when there‘s no identifiable person, only the website’s ‘team’, ‘editors’, etc.

We will not accept issues based on absence of author names for articles in which no author can be easily identified by a regular viewing user."

The metadata contains "author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Qucho ."} but I'm not sure how much that information can be trusted since most other articles seem to have "author":{"@type":"Person","name":"El Informador :: Noticias de Jalisco, México, Deportes & Entretenimiento"} even when the user-visible author is more specific.

The date is from "datePublished":"2018-04-04T07:36:00-0500", the time being shown as 12:36 because "The IV editor‘s ’Preview‘ section will always show the date/time in UTC format, while the ’Original' section may use a different time zone. It is possible for a perfect template to display a date/time t
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Feb 14, 2019