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"The challenge is driving penetration of digital payments": Sangram Singh, CEO, Freecharge
The brand's new campaign highlights the app's cashback, deals and vouchers - hygiene propositions in the segment.

Issue #1

Wrong timezone.
Published date must be - 10 Apr 2019, 23:18

"time zones are optional, unless reliably identifiable in the source"

Timezone is IST (+5:30):
<meta property="article:published_time" content="2019-03-07T8:10:30+05:30">
Abdulrahman Rabie
As you can see this meta have different date instead of showen to user

If conflicting dates are stored in multiple places on the source page, preference should be given to the time that is visible to the ordinary user who views the page in a browser.

this rule has more weight here as refer

Also i really don't know why admin decline this issue again

while it really valid as we should present date shown to user


Admin this is not an advertising page
those pages share local advertising in the country of site with information not to advertise also it has publish date you may also check there is too many with many types videos, img and audio even
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Apr 17, 2019