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По Вашему мнению, в каком интервале будет находиться цена Brent 30 декабря 2018 года?

Issue #2

Page with dynamic content. And not even a post.

This issue should be re-reviewed:
You can clearly see that "Период проведения опроса: 12 января 2018 - 30 ноября 2018". This thing means, that this voting already ended 30 Nov 2018. So, there is no dynamic voting process.

And you can see that i unsupported dynamic (active voting) pages, like And this page is actually one, that i found, that have active voting over the years, pretty much exception of entire voting-themed posts.

And this is a post-related page, check "Читать статью по теме:" in this case. (about your "not even a post")

I add support for that sort of pages because i think, if there is no dynamic content (stage is not in active voting) - that page need to have support IV.

And some words about supporting this page: i'm already said, that i unsupported dynamic voting like /121/. This is one page, that have active voting over the years, and when i have 1 page with dynamic voting, and like 10 that doesn't have that -- i choose add support for that pages, not like you, that just add "!path_not: /statisti
Declined by admin
Seems like mysh is right in this case.

The issue you mentioned is still right to be accepted, since it did generate a broken IV.
Type of issue
Rudimentary content not removed
Feb 24, 2019