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Issue #3

Image is missing at the end.
Oh, again the same article .. xD

In fact, the problem lies in the following: this article contains an attachment block inside the attachment block.
The screenshot shows this:

I would refer this to the error of the site/author of the article. And in truth, this is a very rare case, I would even say a single one.
I parsed more than 7000 articles for nesting like
"//div[starts-with(@id,"attachment")]//div[starts-with (@id,"attachment")]"
The only one case was found. On this page.

I also think that this is part of the problem on the part of IV. Why does it not show an error that <figure> in <figure> is not supported?

Should we correct every mistake of the authors on every single article?? Such as here and such as there:

I don't think so
Thank you.
Declined by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 20, 2019