Processed Issues2

This page shows a list of issues for that were approved or declined by our admins.

Template #1 Issue #1
May 23, 2017
Garbage, remained due to incorrect parsing script of advertising. It would be nice to remove it.
Accepted by admin
Template #7 Issue #1
Aug 29, 2017
Watching videos is impossible
Deleted Account
Android 4.4.2 x86 emulator / Telegram v4.2.2
- All videos and Youtube-embed work correctly.

Wexler TAB 7100 / Android 4.1.1 / Telegram for Android v4.2.2 (1059) arm-v7a
- Youtube embedded video doesn't work. When I try to play a video, I see only video poster and player controls, and when I press the play button it only displays a black square. Here's the logcat from the launch of Telegram:

P.S. I'm trying to play other Youtube videos on IV pages and got the same result.
Videos with direct links to the .mp4 file works correctly.
Declined by admin
That video is removed from Youtube due to copyright claim. This isn't an issue with the template.