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Buka Peluang Akhiri Kontrak Simic, Persija Jakarta Bidik Striker Klub Gurem Liga Thailand?
Klub sepak bola Indonesia, Persija Jakarta, membuka peluang untuk mengakhiri kontrak Marko Simic dan tengah dirumorkan mendatangkan striker dari klub Thailand.

Issue #2

multi page websites can implement using inline method.
Alex Schneider
Accepted by admin
That report was about pagination formatting.

I accept the issue, since the Template #40 (by F) displays all article pages in one IV. It's better than pagination.
Alex Schneider
Can you please elaborate on why inlining is better?

I agree that it would be better for the site to have whole articles on a single page, but they made a different decision.

In the original, different parts of an article are each on their own web page, with distinct URLs. For the user, there is no "whole article" page, just separate parts. If we inline them, all the parts will generate identical IVs. Imagine that someone wants to share a video on the 5th page, but gets an IV for the whole article. That's just weird and totally unexpected for the user. "You wanted a banana but what you got was a gorilla holding the banana and the entire jungle."

If we keep pagination in the body, though, there is no problem at all. That's how it's made on the website. The user experience with IV is the same as with the original, they get what they expect.
Accepted by admin
- If we inline them, all the parts will generate identical IVs

It's not critical
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Feb 20, 2019