Processed Issues2

This page shows a list of issues for that were approved or declined by our admins.

Template #1 Issue #1
Jun 11, 2017
Author <li> tag should be extracted and set as the article author.

(My template handles this better.)
Yuriy 🐼 Panarin
Accepted by admin
Template #4 Issue #1
Jun 17, 2017
Author should be set as the article author and should not be in the article body.
Yuriy 🐼 Panarin
U parsed <p><strong> in page, but is not working in this case
Check you template u didnot parsed author
We cant correctly parsed on this site, bad structure
Declined by admin
It's optional in this case.
Declined by admin
Indeed, this site places author names very inconsistently, at the moment most of the recent articles don't have it at all. Since it is not possible to extract the names consistently, it is acceptable to keep the original structure intact without attempting this.