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Los Tiempos
Alegría y creatividad en el Corso Infantil de Cochabamba
Cientos de niños, niñas, grupos de comparsas y unidades educativas participaron en el Corso Infantil, donde la alegría y creatividad deslumbró en las calles de Cochabamba, pese a la lluvia registrada

Issue #1

Cover image is clearly identifiable
"The cover must not be set if:"
"Several images appear in the article one after another. In this case, the template should not break the sequence by extracting one of them as a cover"

This article actually has two covers: a video and a still photo. Since IV does not support setting both as cover, they have both been arranged inside the body in order to avoid breaking the sequence.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 3, 2019