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Link Preview

Issue #4

IV must be generated for this page. It's okay to put a link to It shouldn't prevent generating IV for pages like this

"We will accept issues requesting to generate IVs for pages with content previously deemed unsupported if you include a link to a template that fully supports the content in question. "
Andrew A.
1. Already declined by admin:

2. You misinterpreted the rules: "fully supports the content in question" — "fully supports", not "replaces by a link".

As for links, the rules don't require to replace unsupported widgets with links. They only allow to do so in certain circumstances, specifying in a separate clause: "If there’s no other content on the page, it must not generate an IV". And your template gets pretty close to violating this, since this embed is the main content of the page (the reader is offered to participate in a lottery in the title, and the embed is in the post). Another example, this time with a quiz:

Declined issue like this:
Declined by admin
Agreed with the author in this case. The widget is the main content of the article, converting it into a link may confuse the reader. It is better not to generate an IV.
Type of issue
IV not generated for target page
Apr 9, 2019