The Instant View Editor uses a three-column layout, so you really want to use it on a desktop screen that's wide enough. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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New on PlayStation Store this week: LocoRoco, Polybius, Resident Evil Code: Veronica X
This week sees the arrival of colourful cult favourite LocoRoco on PS4. The remastered version of the classic PSP puzzle platformer is available from today – don’t miss it.

Issue #2

Page contains a table layout
Declined by admin
The table layout per se is not a crime. In this case, the table is merely a layout decision – it can be easily adjusted to a list form or something different that is supported in IV. Note to template author: consider adjusting elements so that they line up more nicely.
Type of issue
IV generated for non-target page
May 21, 2017