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Dicas e truques para o Zenfone 4 Selfie Pro
Confira as melhores dicas e truques para deixar o Zenfone 4 Selfie Pro totalmente personalizado e adaptado às suas necessidades!

Issue #2

this link must be related it is easy idintifiable and
Andrew A.
Making these blockquotes into <related> leads to the following problem:

Checklist: "Note that if a header for a related article is not reliably extractable from the body, you must not use <related> for that link. (Otherwise, if the link gets no IV, the text will have a hanging header)."

It's safer to leave it a blockquote. It's a Wordpress Embed Post, it's in the list of the widgets scheduled for future support, so converting it doesn't have much sense anyway.

That acceptance was a mistake; there was a better issue based on which to reject your template (
Declined by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Apr 18, 2019