As this link leads to the same website, it can be opened in IV format, instead of browser with original page with donation. So, well, there is good question to ask admins, what behavior is expected? Will it open browser, like it does now, or will it lead to the same IV template? And if the latter, page obviously shouldn't be generated.
I have added target=_blank. The rest is impossible to check now, so you're raising a valid point. It's up to admins now. Thanks for bringing that up.
Type of issue
IV generated for non-target page
Jun 4, 2017
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and was opened for the purpose of clarification.
Rereading the manual I found out important thing:
1.‘Read more’ blocks that feature links to other articles on the same site are better suited for this treatment (because they will open further IV pages).
As this link leads to the same website, it can be opened in IV format, instead of browser with original page with donation. So, well, there is good question to ask admins, what behavior is expected? Will it open browser, like it does now, or will it lead to the same IV template?
And if the latter, page obviously shouldn't be generated.