Assuming that I consider these optional pages, if IV are made they must be done correctly. --------- The name of the interpreter //div[@class="c-card-personaggio__header"]/div[@class="c-card-personaggio__meta"]
is located under the title //div[@class="c-card-personaggio__header"]/div[@class = "c-card-personaggio__title"]
in the header section //div[@class="c-card-personaggio__header"],
before the summary //div[@class="c-card-personaggio__header"]/div[@class="c-card-personaggio__synopsis"]
Log in here to create Instant View templates. Please enter your phone number in the international format and we will send a confirmation message to your account via Telegram.
The name of the interpreter
is located under the title
//div[@class="c-card-personaggio__header"]/div[@class = "c-card-personaggio__title"]
in the header section
before the summary
well separated from the text.
It's a subtitle