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Sky TG24
MasterChef 8, le anticipazioni sulla decima puntata
Leggi su Sky TG24 la news MasterChef 8, le anticipazioni sulla decima puntata
Leggi su Sky TG24 la news MasterChef 8, le anticipazioni sulla decima puntata

Issue #4
- Sergey I
- You a wrong.
This image is inside the article.
This image is in the <div class="c-article__main">.
If the image is inside the header, I mark it as a cover.
So this is not a cover.
- Type of issue
- IV page is missing essential content
- Reported
- Mar 21, 2019
div[@class="c-article__header"] contain the header information (title, subtitle, image/video, etc) and is before div[@class="c-article__main o-box"]
div[@class="c-article__main o-box"] contain the article text
the photo is in div[@class="c-article__header"]
It is obligatory to use a cover image:
If the image is present on the page and described in the source as “featured-img”, “cover”, “lead_img”, “main_image”, etc.