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Sky TG24
Non sai per chi votare alle elezioni del 4 marzo? Scoprilo con il test
Leggi su Sky Tg24 l’articolo Non sai per chi votare alle elezioni del 4 marzo? Scoprilo con il test | Sky TG24

Issue #1

Missing content. Related article is not correct solution.
#IOVOTOPERCHÉ is a hashtag/subtitle of videos
"Guarda tutti i video " is link to gallery of videos

It is not possible to support video slideshows, but it is possible to link to the page
If an otherwise supported article includes a video or an audio track that would cause it to become unsupported, it is acceptable to include a link to the video instead of unsupporting the article. If there’s no other content on the page, it must not generate an IV.
Gabriele Guerrisi
"guarda tutti i video" (shows all videos) is in fact a related article link about elections leading to all the videos about it (another page in another subdomain).

Embedding is not supported here but also not required since they are even not embedded in the webpage.

The paragraph you are referring to is about embedded video/audio/possibly other contents...

this is just a link that can be converted to related link since it is related article. Embedding it would be including the content of an article into another one.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Mar 23, 2019