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The Independent
3 ways to use mortgage calculators to estimate payments
Most people use mortgage calculators to estimate the payment on a new mortgage, but it can be used for other purposes, too. Here are some alternative uses for iCompareLoan’s calculators.
Most people use mortgage calculators to estimate the payment on a new mortgage, but it can be used for other purposes, too. Here are some alternative uses for iCompareLoan’s calculators.

Issue #1
This page have Wordpress Embbedded Content from another WP Page that is not supported
- Marco Zordan
- they are articles in the finance section of website. Wrong to exclude them
- Accepted by admin
- No, it's just related articles. Can be displayed.
But the issue is acepted because those are related articles so this must be presented in a RelatedArticles style:
- Type of issue
- IV generated for non-target page
- Reported
- Feb 7, 2019