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RadioBlog | Radio2, palinsesto estate 2017
La TV vista, raccontata, anticipata, vissuta, criticata e analizzata da tante anime differenti: segui le notizie e le anticipazioni di TVBlog.

Issue #2

date and author have been recovered from a script that refers to the related article and not to the gallery
there are no dates or author displayed on the site
there are no published date on metatags ... that exist in the article.
They are not to be displayed as they may be wrong.

Massimo Galato is a journalist not a graphic designer.
Anton S.
The script is part of THIS article/gallery, so it's definitely valid. Massimo Galato is both author of the article AND the gallery as they are created together.

Why someone must be a graphic designer to create a gallery?... If I create a gallery with photos of my cats am I a graphic designer?...
Declined by admin
Type of issue
Author added their own content
Feb 26, 2019