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Realiti Scio', Lucci riporta in tv Emilio Fede: un format che sa di miniserie (e di spin-off di Loro)
Realiti Scio' non è una collection di fenomeni, ma un unico racconto in 7 parti: una miniserie che sembra ispirata a Loro di Sorrentino.

Issue #3

the best solution is details for the element @ id = "live-document"
In the site there is the text "show the rest of the content ..." (content deleted in this template)
Furthermore, placing the information in the correct order does not need the HR
With details the reading of the article is optimal.
Anton S.
In the original, there is a line separating events that are maintained in my template. Also, the anchors are not visible in final IV in Telegram and it will look even better.

It's definitely different from <details> behaviour. In the original, the content it's already half visible (and we have no "half-open" setting) and once you click on it it's fully visible and NOT collapsable back. In such a case, I think it's optional and even better without it.
Declined by admin
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Feb 26, 2019