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Stasera in tv, 22 dicembre 2017: Panariello sotto l'albero, Sacrificio d'amore, Junior Bake Off Italia,
Su Italia 1 il Natale arriva con le puntate natalizie di serie animate, mentre Real Time festeggia a casa di Katia Follesa.

Issue #1

You have reported this page, but in the template you do not manage all the images correctly and one appears on another paragraph

You have also added unnecessary HR. The page reads better without it.
Sergey Pomogaylenko
I made it <pic> and saved by that its width. It was most critical in this case.
About other paragraph. You are right, but it is one case with specifiс mistake by authors when they put <strong>-tag between image and text. Not sure that we should process it like others icons to avoid mistakes in IV with other hypothetical pages with icons
Type of issue
Author added their own content
Mar 1, 2019