Processed Issues14

This page shows a list of issues for that were approved or declined by our admins.

Template #1 Issue #1
May 31, 2017
author is missing
Accepted by admin
Template #2 Issue #1
May 31, 2017
empty paragraphs not removed
According to the check list, it is not an issue!
Declined by admin
An empty paragraph is present in the original article and isn't making it less readable, it is optional to keep it.
Template #2 Issue #2
May 31, 2017
image caption is missing
Accepted by admin
Template #4 Issue #1
May 31, 2017
description of Link Preview is an insignificant static sentence for every link.
It doesn't break any rule in checklist
I'm not supposed to modify meta properties to my liking either.
That's a bad practice because t's the website developer's choice and you're modifying information they want to show in the previews to something 'you' like
Accepted by admin
Saeed's approach to link preview description is better.
Template #5 Issue #1
Jun 1, 2017
You shouldn't modify OG meta properties telegram actually uses for previews. You're using the body text as description. This is wrong, in multiple ways
Declined by admin
This is more informative that the fixed description the site offers in their meta tags. These properties for included in the IV format exactly for this purpose – so that template creators could supply more relevant content if the meta tags are not doing their job well.
Template #5 Issue #2
Jun 1, 2017
1px invisible image in almost every business post
Leads to the belief that there's an image that fails to load
Accepted by admin
Template #5 Issue #3
Jun 1, 2017
Video is the most essential part of this article and it's missing
Accepted by admin
Template #6 Issue #1
Jun 6, 2017
caption is missing for the slideshow frame
Accepted by admin
Any captions present in the source article must be preserved:

Saeed's template handles it better:
Template #11 Issue #1
Jun 13, 2017
if you open this page on new tab you see some boxes from facebook which is not supported by telegram.

you should use @unsupport and not show this page
Accepted by admin
Template #12 Issue #1
Jun 13, 2017
This is an article. You can embed Facebook section to support this page
Mohammad Zamanzadeh
No it's not possible I try that and understood IV can't support this type of facebook embed
Declined by admin
We currently support Facebook posts and videos only.
Template #12 Issue #2
Jun 17, 2017
missing caption for the cover
Accepted by admin
All captions must be preserved. Kindly review
Template #16 Issue #1
Jun 19, 2017
You must have IV for static pages.
this is not an article. look at the topic. it is a service page
Declined by admin
Agree with creator.
Template #16 Issue #2
Jun 19, 2017
You must have IV for static pages.
this is not an article. look at the topic. it is a service page
Declined by admin
Agree with creator.
Template #16 Issue #3
Jun 19, 2017
No IV for static pages.

unfortunately the contest is over and i can't submit or provide my template for this path (...../video/.....).
it contains an unsupported iframe as main content
Declined by admin
Agree with creator.