Processed Issues8

This page shows a list of issues for that were approved or declined by our admins.

Template #1 Issue #1
May 31, 2017
Accepted by admin
Template #2 Issue #1
May 31, 2017
This news articles Is not displayed
Accepted by admin
Template #3 Issue #1
Jun 1, 2017
Hello Admin. You did not give me a chance to send an answer on issue in
, why "this news is not displayed". Because there is a table on that page.

Here we can see why cut all of the tables is not good. All the columns have merged and the contents look unreadable.
Accepted by admin
Template #4 Issue #1
Jun 1, 2017
There is a video inserted in original entry.

It would be nice to convert it to HTML5 embed, or iframe, or make it unsupported.

Video embed also present here:
Accepted by admin
The original article contains unsupported embedded video:
Template #6 Issue #1
Jun 1, 2017
This news articles Is not displayed
Deleted Account
Because there is a embedded video that cannot be converted to iframe or plain video
Declined by admin
Issues regarding articles with unsupported content may be considered if they include a link to a template that handles the disputed content well.
Template #6 Issue #2
Jun 1, 2017
This news articles Is not displayed
Deleted Account
There is a table present in article, it's used as two-column image caption, for making separate descriptions for two parts of an image.
Declined by admin
Issues regarding articles with unsupported content may be considered if they include a link to a template that handles the disputed content well (including the image and the captions).
Template #7 Issue #1
Jun 2, 2017
There is a table is used as two-column image caption, for making separate descriptions for two parts of an image

This parts is merged to one paragraph, and text is reading as "Робъртс Дейвидсън – рицар на Малта и съпругата му Принцеса Олга Романова, сър Питър Колман, Велина Евтимова" (translation: Roberts Davidson - Knight of Malta and his wife Princess Olga Romanova, Sir Peter Coleman, Velina Evtimova), that break original description.

First part of image - "Roberts Davidson - Knight of Malta and his wife "
Second part - "Princess Olga Romanova, Sir Peter Coleman, Velina Evtimova"
Vasili S 🆚
A very understandable inscription. This table has 2 columns only.
Accepted by admin
Template #8 Issue #1
Jun 7, 2017
In the original article, there is actually an image around the highlighted block area. This image is missing.
Accepted by admin