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Issue #1

Ok! I like this game. Let's go disco!

No captions here. Works in my template.
Deleted Account
I don't like disco, let's focus on real issues.

It's not possible to safely identify caption in cases like this. It's an image caption in this case, but it could be not in the next one. There's no guarantee that there'll be no unwrapped text next to it.

I think in the specific case of, which seems to be a single accepted issue of this kind, they shouldn't be captions as well (habr users should be smart enough to make <figure> and <figcaption> by themselves).
Declined by admin
In this case so called "caption" text can't be identified as a caption by any way. It just a text in <i> after <br> that is after <div> with image itself. It could be any text. In that case ( image and text are in the same paragraph at least. It isn't the safest solution, but it's possible and acceptable to format it as a caption.
Type of issue
IV page is missing essential content
Feb 7, 2019