Processed Issues14

This page shows a list of issues for that were approved or declined by our admins.

Template #1 Issue #1
Jun 2, 2017
It is an article page.
Silas Rosenkranz
video is not supported and the url not retrievable
so i cant make a <video> element
Declined by admin
The original article contains unsupported embedded video:
(We may consider this issue if you include a link to a template that fully supports the content in question.)
Template #1 Issue #2
Jun 3, 2017
Duplication of the previous issue.

It can be a good point to mark, that unsupported video is in "Related video" block and has nothing to do with article's subject.
Since such content can be omitted:

Page can be generated
Accepted by admin
Yes, since the related video is not essential content, it can be removed.

It seems that it is possible to support this page.
Template #1 Issue #3
Jun 3, 2017
Well, it should be rather a controversial issue.
The problem is that such a content is hidden in a sidebar in original. In IV template it messes with the contents of the article.
I suppose, that the general rule is like that: "If the user can't see something on a target page, it shouldn't be generated in the IV template".
And the user can see this block only if he open developer tools and remove "height-collapse" class on the page, which seems to be quite an unusual behavior.
Declined by admin
This insert does appear in the original. Although it could be argued that there are better ways of presenting this content (we'd suggest a divider before and after the insert to make its true place more clear in future revisions), we see no critical issues in presenting this content in IV per se. To see the content the user needs merely press 'read more' on the original website — hardly an unusual action.
Template #1 Issue #4
Jun 3, 2017
Accepted by admin
Template #3 Issue #1
Jun 8, 2017
captions for cover should be preserved
Accepted by admin
Template #6 Issue #1
Jun 8, 2017
not a part of the article
Accepted by admin
Template #7 Issue #1
Jun 8, 2017
Missing cover. In this case it's not optional according to 6.3:
Cover images are optional:
When the first image is several paragraphs deep into the article.
While it is possible to use gifs and videos as cover, in most cases, it's better to leave these elements in the body of the article.

In this case there is a suitable image below the title.
We will only accept issues based on absence or presence of a cover image in these cases:

The chosen image is clearly inappropriate for the cover.
The cover is missing from an article that has a cover on the source website.
The cover image is duplicated in the article.
Several images appear in the article one after another. In this case, the template should not break the sequence by extracting one of them as a cover (example).
Declined by admin
Template #7 Issue #2
Jun 9, 2017
IV not generated. It seems not very static, but it is. I manage to deal with it.
Declined by admin
Issue for pages with unsupported content may be considered if they provide a link to a template that supports this content.

Reporter's template is missing a list, starting with 'The history of modern Silicon Valley goes mostly like this:'
Template #7 Issue #3
Jun 13, 2017
IV not generated.
Accepted by admin
Template #10 Issue #1
Aug 27, 2017
the text are missing
Accepted by admin
Template #10 Issue #2
Nov 8, 2018
Only few part was visible , most content skipp
Accepted by admin
Template #12 Issue #1
Nov 3, 2019
Declined by admin
Template #12 Issue #2
Jul 3, 2020
Layout is not good
Declined by admin
Template #12 Issue #3
Aug 2, 2020
Preview window does not utilise full screen
Declined by admin