Processed Issues19

This page shows a list of issues for that were approved or declined by our admins.

Template #4 Issue #1
May 22, 2017
should remove
Declined by admin
Template #5 Issue #1
May 22, 2017
Duplicate of title: title is still in main text
Accepted by admin
Template #5 Issue #2
May 22, 2017
image should be used like a cover
Accepted by admin
Template #6 Issue #1
May 28, 2017
important line-breaks missing in blockquote
Accepted by admin
Template #7 Issue #1
Jun 2, 2017
figcaption here.
Accepted by admin
Template #9 Issue #1
Jun 2, 2017
Author is missed
Accepted by admin
Template #13 Issue #1
Jun 2, 2017
author link is missing
author link is optional
Declined by admin
Author link is optional.
Template #13 Issue #2
Jun 6, 2017
This article is a part of a series of lessons (look at the title), but link to next page is removed.
Accepted by admin
Template #15 Issue #1
Jun 7, 2017
<pre> which is wrapped in <blockquote> replaced above <blockquote> / check my template
Looks like nested pre inside blockquote is not supported. bad design.
Accepted by admin
Yes, nested <pre> inside <blockquote> is not supported in the IV format.

It would be better to not generate an IV than to generate an IV with corrupted, missing, or misplaced content.
Template #17 Issue #1
Jun 7, 2017
code is not where it should be.
Accepted by admin
Template #18 Issue #1
Jun 7, 2017
<pre> inside <blockquote> converted to regular text, looks bad. there is no way to display this blocks correct in IV, so they should be unsupported
Declined by admin
Template #20 Issue #1
Jun 7, 2017
IMG is located ahead of its container. Construction should be fixed if its possible or unsupported.
Declined by admin
Template #21 Issue #1
Jun 7, 2017
line break is missing
Pavel T.
No idea why - ul inside ul, must work.
Your decision (add special symbols before <li> and <br> after) seems incorrect.

Nested lists are regular situation in HTML and this problem must be fixed not by us.
Accepted by admin
Formatting for the nested list is lost. Either no IV should be generated then or some workaround (which looks good on all devices) should be used.
Template #22 Issue #1
Jun 10, 2017
The formatting of the nested list is lost on mobile devices
Which mobile devices have you check? it's fine on my iPhone 6.
Accepted by admin
Formatting is lost.
Template #22 Issue #2
Jun 10, 2017
Five spacewraps at the enf of blockquote?..
Checked your version, looks much messing. I don't think br is a valid issue, whitespace helps user scanning quickly, not stopping them.
Declined by admin
Not a critical issue
Template #25 Issue #1
Jun 13, 2017
To telegram Admin:

When somebody reported my template here,, no detail report was given, which mobile? I've checked both iOS/Android, they works as I expected. Please give me more detail.
Declined by admin
This method is reasonable since it does work in both iOS and Android Telegram.
Template #25 Issue #2
Jun 17, 2017
Text is out of context because of <cite></cite>. My template handles it better.
Accepted by admin
Template #26 Issue #1
Jun 18, 2017
Can't easily separate between the two paragraphs, should add one more br between them.
Pavel T.
<br> exists, it's separate text blocks. This is a non-issue.
Accepted by admin
Unfortunately, this is a valid issue, since <p> will be stripped from <blockquote>, and single <br> will cause the entire blockquote to seem like one big block of text, rather than separate paragraphs.

The sample IV template also specifically adds double <br> within blockquote. You can see the code here:
Pavel T.
I'm sorry, but in a lot of previous issues on other templates you said that it's not critical issue.
For example:
Accepted by admin
This is a valid issue. Template 28 properly supports blockquote line breaks.
Template #28 Issue #1
Jul 13, 2017
This article doesn't seem to contain any unsupported materials.
Declined by admin
It appears that the layout of the website was changed after the template was submitted. Since the template would have won the contest, had our admins been able to sort through all the issues immediately after the contest was closed, we will decline this issue.

We kindly ask you to support the new layout after the winners are announced.