Processed Issues21

This page shows a list of issues for that were approved or declined by our admins.

Template #2 Issue #1
May 27, 2017
missing author name and url
reread 6.1 its says "Author name is required only if it is presented in the source article in a clear way"

And this hidden nicknames in the title, like "Helena" or "energy" is fake pages. If i will add these fake nicks that cant be finded in original page, what changed?
Declined by admin
Template #2 Issue #2
May 27, 2017
Minor issue but will fix ofc.
Declined by admin
This isn't a critical issue indeed.
Template #4 Issue #1
May 28, 2017
Images from the article can be put as a cover if it is directly under the heading. Author takes any first image, wherever it is.
As stated in 3.1,
The main image can be shown as cover on IV page if a suitable image exists in the source.
These images are very suitable as cover images and don't break any conditions in 6.3
This website has the first image that's suitable for cover and are obvious. Same is used as OG image.
Go through a few pages and you'll see what I mean
Declined by admin
It is optional to add a cover in this case:
Template #5 Issue #1
May 28, 2017
Images from the article can be put as a cover if it is directly under the heading. The author takes any first image, wherever it is.
The rules dont forbid cut out images that is common wallpaper.
Rules says its optional, but not forbid.
In my opinion its looks better as cover, and supports target IV style.
Declined by admin
Covers are optional.
Template #4 Issue #2
May 31, 2017
The author's name on this site is the nickname of the editor's profile.
This is hidden information that the user does not see during normal viewing of the site.
See the checklist, 6.1. Author name.
It's says where author name is a requirement.
It also says what you must prefer when you have conflicting author names in meta information and on page.
Notice the wording here "*It is possible to* omit"
which is phrased in such a way to tell you that it's possible to omit without making it a valid issue.
Nothing there says I *can't* use an author name in the source which is confirmed to be the author name.
Declined by admin
The author does have a point.
Template #4 Issue #3
May 31, 2017
The author pulled out the image from the article and inserted it as a cover.

After the text "Вот что осталось от деревьев..." there are images that are connected by meaning with this phrase.
Accepted by admin
Yes, this is a valid issue, as described here: Several images appear in sequence, it's not advisable to pull out one of them to create a cover.
Template #5 Issue #2
May 31, 2017
The author pulled out the image from the article and inserted it as a cover.

After the text "Вот что осталось от деревьев..." there are images that are connected by meaning with this phrase.
These images all connected with article theme, and this phrase dont connected with imange like its a infographic. If you look at other images and the article theme you see that your issue is wrong. All images of this article connected by meaning to the article TITLE and second is this little phrase.
Accepted by admin
When several images appear in sequence it is not advisable to break it by extracting one of them as a cover.
Template #8 Issue #1
Jun 10, 2017
date not parsed
Accepted by admin
Template #13 Issue #1
Jun 10, 2017
Missing line breaks
Accepted by admin
Template #15 Issue #1
Jun 10, 2017
Why <p><em></ em></ p> make a quote?
These are just italic paragraphs. There's no ID or class that's a quote.
Accepted by admin
Template #16 Issue #1
Jun 10, 2017
author not parsed
It's so stupid. The author is not specified anywhere, and only here at the end of the page in the last paragraph.
It's just a paragraph, with no id or class. It is possible to get the author by regex, but this is not a global solution, which can also incorrectly identify the author on other pages.
Accepted by admin
Author name is required if it is presented in the very end of the text. Looks like authors located in a same place on the
Template #18 Issue #1
Jun 12, 2017
If the author is the person who posted the article. Then according to printable version:,1,321-parkovochnye-mesta-dlya-invalidov-v-rostove-otmetili-rezonansnymi-znakami.html the author is not specified at the end of the article, and is specified as the user who posted the article
"Разместил: energy" means he is just posted, not author.
Author of the article is "Евгения Новикова"
Declined by admin
'Евгения Новикова' is the author, as it is mentioned at the end of the article: 'Евгения Новикова' specially for ''.
Also she is mentioned in the printable version. And 'energy' is a person who posted this article.
Template #18 Issue #2
Jun 15, 2017
Admins, give the answer: If the author is the person who posted the article. Then according to printable version:,1,321-parkovochnye-mesta-dlya-invalidov-v-rostove-otmetili-rezonansnymi-znakami.html the author is not specified at the end of the article, and is specified as the user who posted the article
Declined by admin
Duplicated issue:
Template #23 Issue #1
Jun 16, 2017
The author of this article "Евгения Новикова" and not "energy".
Accepted by admin
Template #18 Issue #3
Jun 16, 2017
This text is not the author of the article.
Accepted by admin
Template #27 Issue #1
Jun 16, 2017
This page should not be.
Accepted by admin
Template #30 Issue #1
Jun 17, 2017
still missing paragraphs
Accepted by admin
Template #32 Issue #1
Jun 17, 2017
This page should be IV, as this article.
Its service page, its need for printing. Check url have "print:page"
Original url
Declined by admin
It's optional to generate IV for this page.
Template #32 Issue #2
Jun 19, 2017
Missing author article.
author is right at the end of the article :D
Declined by admin
The author name is optional in this case.
Template #33 Issue #1
Jun 19, 2017
cover image not set
Yes, the cover is recommended but is not required. See paragraph 6.3 of the rules.
Declined by admin
The cover image is optional in this case.
Template #33 Issue #2
Jun 19, 2017
wrong order, image is after four paragraphs.
and whole article is set to blockquote when its should not
Source text highlighted as a quote. Therefore, given the same as given in the original article. The change in source code can cause problems in the future
Declined by admin