Processed Issues12

This page shows a list of issues for that were approved or declined by our admins.

Template #1 Issue #1
May 21, 2017
This page not need IV
Accepted by admin
Template #1 Issue #2
May 21, 2017
IV generated for "Contact-us" page
Accepted by admin
Template #4 Issue #1
Jun 8, 2017
It's not an article!
Accepted by admin
Template #4 Issue #2
Jun 9, 2017
Missing Date.
You must add it to IV.
Accepted by admin
Template #7 Issue #1
Jun 10, 2017
He forgot to add the date ;)
Master of None
The problem is from Telegram bot.

# HTML source below exists in all's pages (Date/Time of published Article/News in all pages):
<time datetime="۱۳۵۱۱۹۰۴۱۱UTCC">پنج شنبه ۴ آبان ۱۳۹۱</time>

Checkout my query:

So, The problem is not from my-side.
Accepted by admin
Template #8 seems to handle this better.
Master of None
Dear Admin,
Rejecting my template from this domain was unfair. Because my codes for fetching Date from html-source was working without problem.

Pattern below for extracting the Date from html-source exists in all's pages.

@datetime(0, "fa-IR@calendar=persian", "EEEE dd MMMM yyyy"): $main//div[@class="span4 post-meta post-date"]/div[@class="pull-right"]/time/text()
published_date: $@

Result of Debugging:
> @debug:
Debug 1 node:
[0]: پنج شنبه ۴ آبان ۱۳۹۱

Also I could see my codes was working(through @debug: keyword).
This wonderful, please see:

My template hasn't problem for fetching the Date. and even I checked the path of pattern for fetching Date from all pages; and pattern was OK.

This is unfair, Please check my unknown issue :(

Thanks in advance
Declined by admin
The @datetime function did not support spaces in weekday text, which was why the date would not generate.

Now that @datetime supports spaces in weekday text, template 7 generates the original article's date.

This template will be restored to the contest.
Template #7 Issue #2
Jun 15, 2017
The date is missing. It's because of poor coding.
Here's the link to my template which includes the date:
Declined by admin
Duplicate issue.
Template #8 Issue #1
Jun 17, 2017
this photo is not cover photo it's part of content and should not be removed from content and place it in cover section
it should be after first paragraph
Deleted Account
It's optional to use a cover in this case. It's not an issue.
Declined by admin
It's optional.
Template #8 Issue #2
Jun 17, 2017
this photo is not cover photo it's part of content and should not be removed from content and place it in cover section
it should be after first paragraph
Deleted Account
It's optional to use a cover in this case. It's not an issue.
Declined by admin
It's optional.
Template #12 Issue #1
Jun 19, 2017
My template(#7) could handle this situation.
According to the checklist:
If it is not possible to represent the iFrame, but it is possible to get a direct link to the track, use it to generate a template with the correct src attribute.

*** Proof:
Declined by admin
In this case iframe is an essential part of the content. So would be better not to generate this page at all.
Template #11 Issue #1
Jun 19, 2017
My template(#7) could handle this situation.
According to the checklist:
If it is not possible to represent the iFrame, but it is possible to get a direct link to the track, use it to generate a template with the correct src attribute.

*** Proof:
Ehsan Dehghani
your template is not in the contest
this page has an iframe from slideshare which is unsupported and should not have an iv
what you said about checklist , its for videos and video players
you changed the checklist sentences
its original from checklist:
If it is not possible to represent the widget as an iFrame, but it is possible to get a direct link to the video, use this link to generate a <video> with the correct src attribute.
Declined by admin
In this case iframe is an essential part of the content. So would be better not to generate this page at all.
Template #8 Issue #4
Jun 19, 2017
this is not cover photo
it's wrong if we add first photo in article in cover section
this photo is kind of at bottom of article
and article describe somthing about this photos and then list the photos
but you move one of these photos to top of article which is wrong
you do this in all of pages
in this case when you move this photo to cover
check the source article and my template
Deleted Account
It's optional to use it as the cover photo.
Accepted by admin
This image is clearly inappropriate for the cover.
Template #7 Issue #3
Jul 5, 2017
The original page has a power point slideshow between these two text blocks.

The text refers to a power point slideshow, but the IV does not support this slideshow.
Accepted by admin
All essential content must be displayed (including power point slideshows), otherwise an IV should not be generated.