Processed Issues29

This page shows a list of issues for that were approved or declined by our admins.

Template #1 Issue #1
Feb 5, 2019
That is not a subheader, that is just the first paragraph.
Accepted by admin
Template #3 Issue #1
Feb 5, 2019
Need to be quote .
Thank you for the issue, but I can't agree with you. The author of the article made three different paragraphs. Moreover it's not a trivial task that can be solved using XPath: the rules of qutation are pretty complex in Russian! Also, what about the text after the «quoted» part? Should it be placed after the blockquote, or how?
Declined by admin
Template #3 Issue #2
Feb 5, 2019
Dont work preview with text on page
Sorry, what do you mean? It's a section called "Related Articles". If a link inside this section already has a IV template, it will be shown to a user, otherwise removed.

As doesn't have a legal approved IV template, all links are displayed now without text. Also preview doesn't work for them.

I can do nothing with it, that's how telegram works :)
Declined by admin
Template #3 Issue #3
Feb 5, 2019
Highlighted items should be removed or moved to <related> (Russian for: "Also read: 10 legal ways to lower your water bill payment")
Well, we have a double-edged sword here.

On the one side, this link should be removed (to be consistent with styling in my IV template).

On the other side, it shouldn't: it's the end of the article, the link leads to some page of, so there are no problems. If we check the rules:

> We will also not accept issues based on ‘further reading’ links being present.

According to this, your issue is incorrect and can be dropped.

So @admin's intervention is needed here. I will submit a new version, if there is a guarantee I still take the 1st place.

Otherwise, we can start to require related articles support from all players for this site. It'll be honest in relation to me: the issue is incorrect, though I lose the 1st place, and able to climb up back sending the same issue to the other players.
Declined by admin
It is obligatory to format “Related articles” links using the new <related> tag, provided they are identifiable in the source. In this case the link doesn't have any classes, so it is not easily identifiable
Template #4 Issue #1
Feb 5, 2019
Highlighted items should be removed or moved to <related> (Russian for: "Also read: 10 legal ways to lower your water bill payment")
Declined by admin
Template #4 Issue #2
Feb 6, 2019
Accepted by admin
Template #4 Issue #3
Feb 6, 2019
Declined by admin
Template #10 Issue #1
Feb 7, 2019
Header of the related articles block is "Смотрите также" (Russian fof "Watch also") on the original page.

While in the generated IV it's "Читайте также" (Russian for "Read also").
Accepted by admin
These headers to "related links" are written by authors using an arbitrary form ([watch also "смотрите также"], [read more "читайте ещё"]) and an arbitrary set of html tags. Moreover, authors can use two different styles and headers at the same page!

So I decided to paste the only most common variant [read more "Читайте также"] to the Realted Articles block. Is it wrong?

The checklist says nothing about it.
Declined by admin
Template #11 Issue #1
Feb 7, 2019
text replaced with url
Declined by admin
This is just how RelatedArticles block displays in IV.
Template #11 Issue #2
Feb 7, 2019
text replaced with url
Declined by admin
This is just how RelatedArticles block displays in the IV preview section of IV site. It's normal.
Template #12 Issue #1
Feb 8, 2019
This should be part of related articles. See my IV template.
Declined by admin
Template #14 Issue #1
Feb 8, 2019
Should be in the "related" block
Dmitriy Poluektov
actually these blocks not created programmatically, it created manually by article author as part of article text. Processing of every case like that could be infinite
Declined by admin
Template #16 Issue #1
Feb 8, 2019
Article contains several "see also" blocks.
Several of them have header "Читайте также" (Russian for "Read also") and other have "Смотрите также" (Russian fof "Watch also").

While in the generated IV all related links are grouped under the title "Читайте также" (Russian for "Read also").
Dmitriy Poluektov
all links grouped with one header. creating several titles for related articles is pointless because "Читайте также" and "Смотрите также" is same thing but in different words
Declined by admin
Template #16 Issue #2
Feb 8, 2019
This must be the part of Related Articles block.
Declined by admin
Template #16 Issue #3
Feb 8, 2019
There is an extra space before the author's name. It must be removed.
Accepted by admin
Template #20 Issue #1
Feb 8, 2019
Error of media generating
Don't have an idea why this could happen. On my side it's ok: (I cleared the rules part).
Declined by admin
Template #20 Issue #2
Feb 9, 2019
Related block title is missing
Its' not an essential content (but links themselves yes).

Moreover these "related links" are written by authors using an arbitrary form ("смотрите также", "читайте ещё") and arbitrary set of html tags. Moreover, authors can use two different styles and headers on the same page.

So I decided not to include headers into the Realted Articles block. Especially after this issue (that is wrong I'm convinced):

According to the checklist it's ok:
Declined by admin
Template #16 Issue #4
Feb 9, 2019
IV not supported this page.
Dmitriy Poluektov
Accepted by admin
Template #20 Issue #3
Feb 10, 2019
It's an ordinary article of the site.
The thing is - images on that page have ciryllic characters in the url.

But there is a consistent way to retrieve the images:
That's the problem of the telegram's internal IV engine (fetching cyrillic urls like https://знаки-зодиаков.рф/). It must be processed by the team, not IV template developers.
Accepted by admin
Template #24 Issue #1
Feb 10, 2019
Wrong identified author
Deleted Account

The block you highlites is media credit for original article.
Actual author is below: "автор: Сергей САХАРКОВ"

Please take a look at others page (e.g. the article body often ends with such credits. But the author is always positioned lower.
Declined by admin
Template #24 Issue #2
Feb 12, 2019
Hi, you made a serious mistake. Сергей Сахарков is not the author of the article. His name exists in the source markup, but hidden with CSS rules.

If you check the page via Google Chrome ( you will understand, that there is the only author, Анна Квятовски, here.

Also check my template, I handle it.
Deleted Account
As far as I understand: this site often "uses" articles from other sources. (fully or partly - we don't know and it's not really of our interest)
But tries to give some credit to original author.

You can see them at the bottom of the article with a bunch of classes like "field field-name-field-... field-type-.... field-label-...".
Often it's "Источник:" (source is) and "фото:" (photo by), but in this case it's also "автор" (author is).

But the author of the article on this site seems to always be in <div id="author_currently">

Check any other page, for example:
Accepted by admin
I accept this issue in accordance with the page source code that determines, which author will be displayed on the page:

jQuery('.field-name-field-source').css('clear', 'both');
var aa1 = jQuery(".field-name-field-auth1 div.field-item").text();
if(aa1.length>0) {
} else {

In other words, according to the page source code, <div> with class "field-item" inside of any block with class "field-name-field-auth1", when not empty, has priority over "author_currently" contents and then block with "author_currently" identifier is removed.

- When ".field-name-field-auth1 div.field-item" contents not empty, use it as an author, remove "#author_currently"
- Otherwise use "#author_currently" contents
- According to the piece of code above, both authors should never be displayed at the same time.
Template #26 Issue #1
Feb 12, 2019
There is an extra space before the author's name.
Accepted by admin
Template #24 Issue #3
Feb 12, 2019
Answer to

A good try, but the visible author is Анна, so it must be set to $author variable. That must be done accroding to rules (visible over meta in the sources).

(I have another meaning, that Сахарков is the main editor, and his name is used by default. If there article's author mentioned his name, it will be used then. This page is an example of exactly that case.)
Declined by admin
Duplicate issue
Template #26 Issue #2
Feb 12, 2019
This must be part of the related articles block.
Declined by admin
Template #25 Issue #4
Feb 13, 2019
The embed can be adapted to support the video. Check my template.
Accepted by admin
Template #27 Issue #1
Feb 14, 2019
It should not be nested_element_not_supported.It should not be generated for IV
IV is not generated for this page. Also it's a special hack to serparate dynamic pages (like about, advertisment and others) from this and several another.
Accepted by admin
The reason why IV isn't generated is "Element <img> is not supported in <a>". When I convert this <a> to <div>, the page starts generating IV for the main page. Note that "$body" is the same as "body", so you set body property before path condition. It seems the template isn't protected from dynamic pages enough. Also pages with images inside <a> won't generate IV.
Template #27 Issue #2
Feb 14, 2019
It should not be generated .Because it is one of the service areas which must be generated for IV
Declined by admin
This page doesn't require significant interaction. This page is optional to support.
Template #27 Issue #3
Feb 14, 2019
Second author name is missed
Declined by admin
Actually that second author in the source page is specifically set to be hidden.
Template #28 Issue #1
Feb 14, 2019
Second author name is missed
Declined by admin
The second author in source page is specifically set to be hidden.