Processed Issues39

This page shows a list of issues for that were approved or declined by our admins.

Template #1 Issue #1
May 19, 2017
Rudimentary content not removed
Accepted by admin
Accepted by admin
Template #1 Issue #2
May 20, 2017
incorrect blockquote
Accepted by admin
Accepted by admin
Template #3 Issue #1
May 25, 2017
need raplace
Accepted by admin
Template #1 Issue #3
May 25, 2017
Video report lacks the actual video
Accepted by admin
Template #4 Issue #1
May 25, 2017
Video report lacks the actual video report
Accepted by admin
Template #5 Issue #1
Jun 1, 2017
caption photo missed
Accepted by admin
Any captions present in the source article must be preserved.
Template #5 Issue #2
Jun 1, 2017
photo deleted, why?
Accepted by admin
Template #6 Issue #1
Jun 9, 2017
IV page supported
Jordi Olivares
Nice catch, I didn't take the galleries into account
Accepted by admin
Template #11 Issue #1
Jun 13, 2017
Missing author
Accepted by admin
Template #11 Issue #2
Jun 13, 2017
Missing embed
Accepted by admin
Template #12 Issue #1
Jun 13, 2017
Page is a static article without any difficult elements, it should be rendered
Accepted by admin
Jordi's template handles it:
Template #13 Issue #1
Jun 14, 2017
Missing images from slideshow
Accepted by admin
Two pictures are missing. Eskerda's template handles it better:
Template #14 Issue #1
Jun 14, 2017
I'm actually surprised to report this issue, the time of publication in the article doesn't correspond with the one on the webpage, not even in the meta tags.
That's GMT +2 being applied to 3/06/2017 00:00. Of course that can be fixed forcing it to parse only by date without specifying timezone displacement.
Declined by admin
Handling of timezone is optional and up to the template creator.
Template #15 Issue #1
Jun 15, 2017
Jordi Olivares
I'm using the article's meta tag of "article:published_time", so it is being correctly rendered as it includes the timezone information
Declined by admin
Template #15 Issue #2
Jun 15, 2017
Maybe this then?

That's the same issue as reported at
Jordi Olivares
Nope, the same reply applies, it is displaying what the meta tag says
Declined by admin
Template #15 Issue #3
Jun 15, 2017
Index page should generate no IV "Dynamically updated lists of articles"
Jordi Olivares
Now THIS is an actual issue
Accepted by admin
Dynamically updated lists of articles must not generate.
Template #15 Issue #4
Jun 15, 2017
I am not really sure about this one. Cover is unrelated to the article (of course, apart from being the picture of the author). I think it adds a nice touch, since the article has no other picture.

Keep up the good work!
Jordi Olivares
Just in case I shall remove it in the next template version. I mean, it IS in fact unrelated to the article besides being the author's selfie.
Accepted by admin
Template #19 Issue #1
Jun 15, 2017
The preview has some leftovers of the blog's title and category.

As a return for the previous cheering:

Indeed :) Sorry about the datetime issues, I wasn't getting it at first. This is starting to look like a poker game, any aces up your sleeve?
Accepted by admin
Yes, Jordi's template handles it better:

Enjoy the Contest!
Template #22 Issue #1
Jun 16, 2017
IV not generated for valid page. This one is pretty fun to do, enjoy!
Accepted by admin
Template #24 Issue #1
Jun 16, 2017
This article too is fun to deal with, in this case the author for it is in random place!

Lovely to treat with XPath.
Accepted by admin
In general, if author name is unknown, then author should not be displayed. It's better to show no author than an incorrect author.

For this specific article, it seems to use a rare method to show the author than the other articles on the website. So this specific case is optional for template creator to support.
Template #25 Issue #1
Jun 16, 2017
Missing author... blogs are THE pandora's box :)
Accepted by admin
Template #26 Issue #1
Jun 16, 2017
As you said, blogs are a bitch ;)

To detail: The time displayed is wrong, as it's not working properly with the AM/PM time markers.
Man, how did you do it? I assumed there was a bug on their datetime function that wasn't parsing PMs and waiting for you to fail the same way.
Accepted by admin
Template #27 Issue #1
Jun 16, 2017
Since there's no PM on this timestamp, we can't assume it's on PM.

This blog style does not use AM/PM, ie:
Jordi Olivares
My bad, the ? tests are a bit wonky, hopefully it works properly now
Accepted by admin
Template #28 Issue #1
Jun 16, 2017
Remember that I made a slideshow in these kind of photo galleries? Well, turns out I was wrong according to Telegram:

Point 6.4 of the clarifications states the following

EXCEPTION! Slideshows must not be used:

- When the article consists entirely of a slideshow and there's no other content.

It's also a heads-up if you have any other templates that suffer from the same issue so that you can avoid it
True, I recall reading about that. If article is only one slideshow with no content, all should be separate photos.

Accepted by admin
That's true. Images with captions/plain paragraphs must be used in this case.
Template #29 Issue #1
Jun 16, 2017
Missing published date. You have it on all other pages, what's up here? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jordi Olivares
That's the smell of hardcoded numbers my friend. It wasn't pretty but it did work for a while
Accepted by admin
Template #30 Issue #1
Jun 16, 2017
Do you think this could be considered an issue as the date and time texts are stuck one after the other?

If it were something minor I wouldn't dare mark it as such, but given that the year and hour are stuck together I can't decide
Right, it's a bit unreadable. I take it as valid
Declined by admin
Not a critical issue.
Template #32 Issue #1
Jun 16, 2017
Missing figure caption!
Accepted by admin
Template #33 Issue #1
Jun 16, 2017
Well well well, look what I have found. An article that isn't being rendered in IV.

Would be a shame if someone were to lose its position because of it 😏
Declined by admin
Obscure page.
Template #34 Issue #1
Jun 16, 2017
Youtube video can be embedded
Jordi Olivares
That is true, I had seen it before but thought no-one would implement it, yet you did. I'm impressed ^^
Accepted by admin
Template #35 Issue #1
Jun 17, 2017
My final discovery, some interviews are formatted in such a way that the questions aren't tagged but with a class called "question". If not formatted as the original with different colours, it will cause confusion to the reader since there is no way to differentiate them.

Besides that, I don't have any more issues. Que guanyi el millor trobant falles i reaccionant ràpid, bona sort ^^.
Good catch. Probably is going to end up being the best supported site at this pace.
Accepted by admin
Good work, guys.
Template #39 Issue #1
Jun 17, 2017
Embed not supported, but page contains a valid playable mp4 video.

Un plaer, ha estat una sort trobar-se tan avançat el plaç i no al principi :)
Accepted by admin
Template #40 Issue #1
Jun 17, 2017
Alas, there is still some issues pending to be fixed. Take this one for example, the article is actually just a header image where they profile a businessman
Accepted by admin
Template #42 Issue #1
Jun 17, 2017
Jordi Olivares
What the... I remember doing them, I otherwise wouldn't have given you an issue
Accepted by admin
Template #43 Issue #1
Jun 17, 2017
The quotes don't work properly, they aren't separated
I do not follow, maybe you mean the previous quote with the 70?
Declined by admin
Template #45 Issue #1
Jun 17, 2017
Maybe related to previous issue. Cite not properly cited on the quote.
Jordi Olivares
Awww snap son, I think you might win this one, your version is a lot prettier. I'll leave it up to the admins though, as it is a moderate to low issue but an aesthetic one.

Message to eskerda: Si guanyes t'ho mereixes, m'has fet fer coses molt horribles al meu codi ;)
Accepted by admin
Eskerda's template handles this a little bit better, even though it is not critical.
Template #45 Issue #2
Jun 17, 2017
Video not supported, this time is on the header :)

Issue, principalment, per a despedir aquesta aventura. Guanyi el template que guanyi ha estat intens.
Jordi Olivares
Damn, you exploited a fault in my video code >< now for sure I can't win it.

El mateix se't pot dir malparit ;). Ha estat un plaer competir amb el creador de CityBikes
Accepted by admin
Template #46 Issue #1
Oct 17, 2017
Doncs que es vagin preparant. Per quan desconnectem. Catbrexit - EFTA
Declined by admin
Template #46 Issue #2
Aug 25, 2018
Hi! I can't select and copy the text I want. The copy tool only allows me to select paragraph by paragraph. Thank you!
Declined by admin
Template #46 Issue #4
Oct 20, 2019
I have dark mode activated and I still see the preview with a white background and black text. It should be the other way around
Declined by admin