Processed Issues17

This page shows a list of issues for that were approved or declined by our admins.

Template #2 Issue #1
Jun 5, 2017
The article doesn't have any unsupported elements, but the unsupported element is in something unrelated to the article (ƀ voir Ć©galement sur Le HuffPost or see also on huffpost)
Accepted by admin
Template #3 Issue #1
Jun 5, 2017
image caption missing
Accepted by admin
Template #4 Issue #1
Jun 5, 2017
Admin plz check this page in browser this page have unssupported video about Cannes.
But u accept this issue
WTF? Please can u say how u work if in rule have
6.8.2. Videos from unsupported players

If the unsupported widget has an iFrame version, make it into an <iframe>. If you do that, the IV page will not be generated due to unsupported content, but things will work out of the box when and if we support that widget.
If it is not possible to represent the widget as an iFrame, but it is possible to get a direct link to the video, use this link to generate a <video> with the correct src attribute.
Otherwise, mark the object with the @unsupported function.
Deleted Account
The video is not related to the article itself, it falls under the category of "Read also", "More on the topic", etc. These elements are optional and can be removed if they affect the style or the generating of an instant view from the following:

6.6. ā€˜Read alsoā€™, ā€˜Read moreā€™, ā€˜More on this topicā€™ links

These blocks are optional. For purposes of style:

It is advisable to place any ā€˜further readingā€™ links at the end of the page (see ā€˜Recent Newsā€™ in the Telegram blog template ā€“ if it is technically possible to identify them in the source and relocate them.
ā€˜Read moreā€™ blocks that feature links to other articles on the same site are better suited for this treatment (because they will open further IV pages).
ā€˜Related topicsā€™ blocks with links that lead to dynamic lists of articles are less convenient and are better to be removed (such links will open pages that don't support IV).
None of the above is required. We will not be accepting issues based on ā€˜further readingā€™ links o
Declined by admin
The video here is part of a "read more" section. The IV for the article itself can be generated and this video can safely be removed without losing essential content of the article.

The issue for your template was accepted, because you didn't show an IV for this page while it's indeed possible without losing essential content.
Template #5 Issue #1
Jun 12, 2017
should be displayed as IV page
Yuriy šŸ¼ Panarin
Original page have video
This video about article
Accepted by admin
'ƀ voir Ć©galement sur Le HuffPost' means 'See also on The HuffPost'. So, the video here is a part of 'More on this topic' block which is optional.

The IV for the article itself can be generated.
Template #4 Issue #3
Jun 12, 2017
missing embedded video
Accepted by admin
Template #5 Issue #2
Jun 12, 2017
should be generated as IV page
Yuriy šŸ¼ Panarin
Original page have
Unsupported video
Declined by admin
Duplicated issue:
Template #9 Issue #1
Jun 16, 2017
missing captions
Accepted by admin
Template #12 Issue #1
Jun 17, 2017
Social link not removed
Alexey Alekhin
I think this is an invalid issue, because the link is a part of the "read more" block, which is optional, but allowed
Declined by admin
Since this link is a part of the "read more" block, it's more like optional.
Template #12 Issue #2
Jun 18, 2017
Alexey Alekhin
This page shouldn't have an IV, because it's a service area of the website
Accepted by admin
Template #14 Issue #1
Jun 18, 2017
Accepted by admin
It is optional to generate IV for this page, but if it is generated, the layout shouldn't be broken.
Template #15 Issue #1
Jun 18, 2017
Accepted by admin
It is optional to generate IV for this page, but if it is generated, the layout shouldn't be broken.
Template #13 Issue #1
Jun 18, 2017
This page shouldn't have an IV, because it's a service area of the website
Giovanni M.
About page is not a service page
Declined by admin
It is optional to generate IV for the about page.
Template #13 Issue #2
Jun 18, 2017
Unsupported charts are missing. This page shouldn't have an IV
Accepted by admin
Template #16 Issue #1
Sep 15, 2017
Alexey Alekhin
Hello Oliver. The link you posted in the comment contains a video which is not supported for embedding by IV yet. So it's normal that the template doesn't generate an IV for that page. Probably later IV will support such videos and then these pages will get an IV-view.
Declined by admin
The template author is right.
Template #16 Issue #2
Sep 16, 2017
Beaucoup de liens n'ont pas de Vue InstantanƩe.
Declined by admin
Template #16 Issue #3
Oct 10, 2017
The video does not play.
Alexey Alekhin
Hello Oliver! Which video do you mean? If it's about the video in the tweet, it seems to play fine for me. If it's about the video after the article, it's no included in the IV because it's not directly related to the article.
Declined by admin
Template #16 Issue #4
Jan 14, 2018
That is good
Stupide H&M
Fuck you
Declined by admin