Processed Issues22

This page shows a list of issues for that were approved or declined by our admins.

Template #1 Issue #1
Feb 5, 2019
This image should be a cover
> There's a suitable image above the title/subtitle or directly below the title/subtitle.
Accepted by admin
Template #3 Issue #1
Feb 5, 2019
Author name presented in the source article in a clear way, so it required to specify it. See:
Accepted by admin
Template #3 Issue #3
Feb 7, 2019
Page have a slideshow. Template is not perfect
Accepted by admin
Page should have the slideshow or a link to it. There is a way to generate this link from data-id attribute. Otherwise the page should be marked as unsupported.
Template #4 Issue #1
Feb 7, 2019
Original page have a slideshow. Template is not perfect
Art Mas
First, these images are loaded asynchronously with javascript, so it is not possible to load the photos into IV.

Second, this slideshow is visually located behind the article.

Admins, tell please, it is necessary to mark this article as unsupported ? I opened random 10 articles and they all ended up with this slide show. If you mark it as unsupported then a lot of the site will be unavailable
Accepted by admin
Page should have the slideshow or a link to it. There is a way to generate this link from data-id attribute. Otherwise the page should be marked as unsupported.
Template #5 Issue #1
Feb 8, 2019
articles on this site oftenly contain gallery. it is impossible to parse because of the tricky lazy load script. gallery is essential part of the article. you should create a link to the gallery using data-slideshow-id attribute (check out my template) or not generate IV at all
Accepted by admin
If a slideshow in the source is present, do one of the following:

- Present all images in the IV as a gallery, if possible.
- If that's not possible, keep a link to the full gallery.
- If none of the above is possible, generate no IV for the page.

Template #6 Issue #1
Feb 8, 2019
There's a slideshow on original page.
it is replaced with a link to the gallery. but i see that u got better way of handling this
Accepted by admin
The Template #7 (by Pavel) handles this slideshow well
Template #16 Issue #1
Feb 11, 2019
Also these articles are fresh 2018-2019 and there is my template
Declined by admin
The template you were referring to is not competing anymore.
Template #18 Issue #1
Feb 14, 2019
This slideshow on original page opens popup with a lot of text about games of the year (lists/links). Half of this text hidden because of using slideshow here. I suggest to break slideshow to images+captions in these cases, it will help to show all essential information.
My template handles it good without endangering galleries with a small texts (they work well as a slideshows).
Accepted by admin
Nominees are missing
Template #16 Issue #2
Feb 16, 2019
IV page is missing essential content. Rudimentary content not removed
Accepted by admin
sorry for inconvinience
Accepted by admin
Template #21 Issue #1
Feb 16, 2019
There's a slideshow on original page. No reasons to break it into separated pictures.
Reshat Belyalov
It's too risky to make a decision on figcaptions text length. There can be wide characters which can make text out of figcaption box in slideshow.
Accepted by admin

Slideshows are required only if the source article shows several photos or other media as a slideshow or gallery. If this is the case, do the following:
- Present all images in the IV as a gallery, if possible.
- If that's not possible, keep a link to the full gallery.
- If none of the above is possible, generate no IV for the page.

Pavel's template supports this quite well.
Template #26 Issue #1
Feb 17, 2019
Poorly formatted nested lists
I can't do anything about it: why they decided to put <p> within <li>?!
Accepted by admin
Template #28 Issue #1
Feb 17, 2019
Slideshow is missing.
Pavel T.
These captions dont fit in slideshow, users will lose big parts of essential content. Slideshows work well if there's no big text / nested lists with a lot of childs & other things.
Declined by admin
It's acceptable to not generate slideshow in this case.
Template #26 Issue #2
Feb 17, 2019
Missing the slideshow
A lot of figcaptions for slideshow images on the site are very very long. It's better to get rid of slideshow (I know this breaks the rules formally, but I hope admin will agree with me), because then it would't look nicely on smartphones.

Also: I preserve a slideshow format when there're no "description" part in all captions (usually figcaption consists of two parts: header and description on this site). For example you can check these pages in my template:
Declined by admin
Template #26 Issue #3
Feb 18, 2019
Declined by admin
Template #29 Issue #1
Feb 18, 2019
Cover is missing. Can be easily identified.
Reshat Belyalov
It is obligatory to use a cover image:

If the image is present on the page and described in the source as “featured-img”, “cover”, “lead_img”, “main_image”, etc.

This image is not marked in source as cover unlike on other pages.
Declined by admin
Cover here is optional.
Template #28 Issue #3
Feb 19, 2019
missed images with captions
Pavel T.
Hard-to-find example from 2015. Now this site uses another gallery plugins like here:

or here:
Declined by admin
Like he said, it's an old gallery widget.
Template #31 Issue #1
Feb 19, 2019
these are captions
Accepted by admin
Template #29 Issue #2
Feb 19, 2019
This image should not be clickable:

"In IV 2.0, <img> tags support the optional attribute href to make the image clickable. This should only be used if the link behind the image leads to some different page or content. E.g., if the link opens the same image in a higher resolution, it should be ignored."
Reshat Belyalov
rare case
Accepted by admin
Template #28 Issue #4
Feb 19, 2019
Not properly handled: no figcaptions, bad quality.
Pavel T.
Duplicate of

Please find an example of this gallery layout from last 2-3 years and I'll fix it if owners still use this plugin.
Declined by admin
Template #28 Issue #5
Feb 20, 2019
Pavel T.
I'm not admin, but 'cause this is issue on my template, I share my opinion about pop-up galleries on this site:
1) If captions fit to slideshows -> <slideshow>
2) If captions don't fit to slideshow but also don't contain any unsuitable elements as blockquotes, images or something else -> separated images with captions instead of <slideshow>
3) If captions contain unsuitable elements -> @unsupported
Accepted by admin
In this case the images in the slideshow caption can be removed. Also since the site uses slideshow not only for images, but for other content too (including quotes), it's acceptable to not format the block as slideshow at all.
Template #28 Issue #6
Feb 20, 2019
I think <pic> should be used with images like this.
User isn't supposed to use these cup icons as regular pictures.
Pavel T.
No difference for regular user. This is not an custom emoji, not kind of arrow in text, not clickable icon or smth like that, it is just a centered silver cup picture which I prefer to look exactly like here.
Accepted by admin
About difference for a regular user:

Since it's possible to identify the image, it should be converted into <pic>
Template #32 Issue #1
Feb 22, 2019
Just want to ask admins: is it correct to put 2-3 paragraphs of text with lists of links into slideshow only because there's a slideshow on original page. It's absolutely useless in my opinion, user can't see even 1/3 of information in slide caption. I think in this case we should recognize it a big essential part of main content and display as separated images.
My opinion about this.

The initial issue regarding this has been created by admin himself ( I obeyed them. They they said that "It's acceptable to not generate slideshow in this case" which probably means that my solution should also be acceptable. If it turns out not, it would be a bit unfair to me.
Declined by admin
Long descriptions are supported by clients (text can be scrolled). So it's acceptable to format them like this