Processed Issues15

This page shows a list of issues for that were approved or declined by our admins.

Template #1 Issue #1
May 21, 2017
I don't think IV is needed for this page. And if so, there's missing a lot of content.
Accepted by admin
Pages with dynamic content must not generate.
Template #1 Issue #2
May 21, 2017
Would be nice if the author link is added :)
Declined by admin
Author links are optional.
Template #1 Issue #3
May 21, 2017
Article page is not generated
Declined by admin
There's unsupported content like tables.
Template #3 Issue #1
May 26, 2017
Missing <br> between <p> tags
Accepted by admin
Template #4 Issue #1
Jun 5, 2017
The chosen image is clearly inappropriate for the cover.

Image cover is taken from the middle of the article. It is important for understanding and should not be used as a cover.
Accepted by admin
Template #6 Issue #1
Jun 9, 2017
Wrong time
Declined by admin
Handling of timezone is optional and up to the template creator.
Template #6 Issue #2
Jun 10, 2017
IV not generated for target page
!! !!
It's ABOUT page.
Declined by admin
As for now, we have a simpler rule: if there are interactive elements ('contact us' form) => no IV. Otherwise, service pages are optional.
Template #6 Issue #3
Jun 12, 2017
The image is not appropriate for cover as it is situated in middle of text in source.
Accepted by admin
Template #12 Issue #1
Jun 12, 2017
Missing slideshow
Accepted by admin
Vlad did it better:
Template #17 Issue #1
Jun 17, 2017
Lost formatting. Should be shown as a list.
Accepted by admin
Template #18 Issue #1
Jun 18, 2017
This is not a pullquote.

Pullquotes must be horizontally centered on IV page if pull quotes exist in the source. Exceptions only for complex elements inside (like lists)
Nisarg Jhaveri
The original article's markup doesn't explicitly say that this is an `aside` or `blockquote`. Additionally it is shown distinctively enough here. I don't think anything else should be required.
Accepted by admin
This text has class "pulled-full". So you can determine if it's a pull quote or not.
Nisarg Jhaveri
I agree that it can be determined. But I don't see why do we have to show it as pullquote. The class mentioned `pulled-full` is not always used for pullquote and will make some IVs invalid. For example the list at the end of the article at is not a pullquote, just styled as one along with other such examples. We should not determine if it is a pullquote by that class.

This template shows the text in question really close to how the original article shows it, with line above and below the text. None of the other templates include that. I think this issue is not a critical issue and in some way this template is even better at handling similar cases. Please have a look.
Accepted by admin
Sorry, but you should try to replicate the format. IV offers elements and tools for that, which you should have used. Putting that text as a simple paragraph is not right.
Template #19 Issue #1
Jun 18, 2017
Should be a pullquote. All important media (images, videos, slideshows, and other content that is relevant to the article) that exists in the source must be shown horizontally centered on IV page. (
Declined by admin
Not a pullqoute in the article.
Template #18 Issue #2
Jun 18, 2017
This symbol of paragraph used to separate some parts of the text, so it should be changed to simplified divider
Nisarg Jhaveri
Not necessary. It is shown as it is shown in the source article.
Declined by admin
The IV is like the original page. No need to make a divider.
Template #19 Issue #2
Jun 18, 2017
This symbol of paragraph used to separate some parts of the text, so it should be changed to simplified divider
Declined by admin
The IV is like the original page. No need to make a divider.
Template #24 Issue #1
Jul 15, 2020
I wish the preview was full screen not just a small window in the middle
Declined by admin