Processed Issues10

This page shows a list of issues for that were approved or declined by our admins.

Template #2 Issue #1
May 31, 2017
Missing the date and time of the article
Accepted by admin
The date is missing.
Template #4 Issue #1
Jun 17, 2017
this page's content updates online every minute until event ending. not static content
Accepted by admin
Template #5 Issue #1
Jun 17, 2017
this page's content updates online every minute until event ending. not static content
Accepted by admin
Template #4 Issue #2
Jun 18, 2017
Must generate an IV for articles
Accepted by admin
Template #5 Issue #2
Jun 18, 2017
These are not parts of the article
Accepted by admin
Template #6 Issue #1
Jun 18, 2017
IV is not generated, there is other reason that "Embed_not_supported" though. IV should be not generated as long as it is "live" article - data updates every second. Thus, you throwed a wrong error. This issue is almost the same as
Will fix, thanks
Accepted by admin
Template #4 Issue #3
Jun 18, 2017
empty p in code
Accepted by admin
Empty paragraphs are not so critical, but there are also two videos at this page which are missing.
Template #8 Issue #1
Jun 18, 2017
You throwed the wrong error... again. When handling dynamic pages likes this, you should merely prevent your template from being generated, like I do.
First of all, what's important is that my template does not generate an IV for dynamically updated articles. It's all that checklist asks from us.
Secondly, I insist on the opposite: simply not generating an otherwise article-looking page is misleading, "not supported" gives you a clearer picture on why it's not an IV.
And lastly, I _specifically_ target the live widgets to distinguish dynamic articles from the static ones, so there won't be any false negatives cases. Not sure about yours.
Declined by admin
Template #8 Issue #2
Jun 18, 2017
First things first, I'm sorry for adding that issue again, but, unfortunately, I was not able to respond to the previous one.
First, you said that checklist was requiring only not to generate IV for dynamic pages. Read carefully, 'cause docs tell us to "mark any unsupported essential content using the @unsupported function". At this page, there is no content that could be marked unsupported, which means you do not follow the checklist.
Secondly, you said about "a clearer picture". As long as there are no elements could be marked with "@unsupported", you do not make thing clear. Instead, you trick users and admins by (I'm not sure, but I deduce so) deliberately adding an unsupported iframe.
Thirdly, what the freaking widgets are talking about? The only thing that helps you to determine whether this page is static or dynamic is in the json data(find yourself), which I use, in case you are "not sure" about mine.
Whatever, I'm sure that admins will make right decision regarding this problem.
I'm done justifying myself to you, so this comment is dedicated to the admin.

There are exactly two kinds of widgets on this website (buttons, ultimately), which let us know that current article is live:
• <p class="refresh"> here:
• <button id="live-refresh"> on the current page
Those allow us to refresh the page dynamically, and those are the markers telling us that these elements are not supported by IV and that the page is not static.
Claiming that I added some iframe is ridiculous, since my preview says ELEMENT_NOT_SUPPORTED, not EMBED_NOT_SUPPORTED.
You can also check my code too make sure it's true.
Declined by admin
No IV page is generated for dynamically updated page.

Seems that 'Refresh'-button is commonly used for such pages, so in that case, it's acceptable to mark it as unsupported.
Template #9 Issue #1
Jun 19, 2017
No content for this article
Sherali Rysbekov
There's a following element on the page which indicates its dynamic nature:
<script type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https:\/\/","@type":"LiveBlogPosting ...
It's a live posting, i.e. it updates.
Declined by admin
No IV should be generated for dynamically updated page.