Processed Issues19

This page shows a list of issues for that were approved or declined by our admins.

Template #1 Issue #1
May 21, 2017
No important picture
Accepted by admin
Template #2 Issue #1
May 27, 2017
Cover photo is duplicated
Accepted by admin
Please see: regarding content duplication

You should check if the content is present in the body and not display the cover content - or alternatively, you can display it as cover content, but instead hide it from the body

Also, Cover Photos allow you to include captions, so please do not omit them
Template #3 Issue #1
May 27, 2017
Declined by admin
The caption is correct.
Template #3 Issue #2
May 27, 2017
Declined by admin
It's a part of the article.
Template #3 Issue #3
May 27, 2017
Declined by admin
Duplicated issue:
Template #3 Issue #4
May 27, 2017
author name missing
It isn't author name, it's footballer name. Here isn't author name on this page
Declined by admin
It's not an author.
Template #4 Issue #1
Jun 2, 2017
Caption to photo is represented as text
Accepted by admin
The caption is missing.
Template #5 Issue #1
Jun 2, 2017
Page contains unsupported video
This video is loaded with Javascript. It doen't appear on the source page at all, so it can not be unsupported.
Accepted by admin
If all essential content from a page cannot be displayed (including the video), then an IV should not be generated.
Template #6 Issue #1
Jun 2, 2017
Selected text should be represented as quote.

Correct template:
Accepted by admin
Should be a pullquote.
Template #7 Issue #1
Jun 3, 2017
Page with static supported content
I don't think that IV needs this page. Let's wait what will Telegram say.
Declined by admin
About sections, Contacts, FAQ pages, etc. are optional.
Template #8 Issue #1
Jun 9, 2017
Symbols "****" weren't replaced on <hr>
It's optional
Declined by admin
It's not <hr> in the source article. It's a part of the text inside <p></p>.
Template #8 Issue #2
Jun 9, 2017
Info about author wasn't removed.
At the beginning of the article his name has already been indicated.

This template handled it better:
Declined by admin
It's a part of the article.
Template #8 Issue #3
Jun 17, 2017
Author of quote represented the same way that other text. Not the best option for the reader. You need use caption for quote.

Correct template:
Declined by admin
Not a critical issue.
Template #11 Issue #1
Jun 18, 2017
target page
Accepted by admin
Here is a better one:
Template #12 Issue #1
Nov 23, 2017
Anderson took 500 wicket's milestone
Accepted by admin
Doesn't generate IV
Template #13 Issue #1
Mar 19, 2018
Declined by admin
Template #13 Issue #2
Mar 24, 2018
Declined by admin
Template #13 Issue #3
Jun 10, 2019
Its perfecf
Declined by admin
Template #13 Issue #4
Oct 13, 2019
Only half the article was rendered
Declined by admin