Processed Issues41

This page shows a list of issues for that were approved or declined by our admins.

Template #5 Issue #1
May 26, 2017
Page is missing author (at top of page in variable $author):
> Author name is required only if it is presented in the source article in a clear way (at the top of the page, at the very end of the text, etc.)

This case is "at the very end of the text"
While it's "at the very end of the text" it still part of article — without any special tags/attributes, that allow to say for sure it's author name.
Accepted by admin
It's possible to use the author name from meta tags.
Template #8 Issue #1
May 26, 2017
IV page not generated for target page
Accepted by admin
Template #8 Issue #2
May 30, 2017
Should I manually convert published_time from original page to UTC? If so, how should I determine original timezone (it's not specified anywhere)?
Ew, I misclicked; there's full text:


Sorry for that, but I have a question and there is no any other way of contacting you.

Should I manually convert published_time from original page to UTC? If so, how should I determine original timezone (it's not specified anywhere)?
Declined by admin
Handling of timezone is optional and up to the template creator.
Template #11 Issue #1
Jun 1, 2017
1. IV Targets: Must Generate
1.1. Pages with static article-like content (e.g news articles)
It's a subdomain.
The rules do not say anything about subdomains of target domains

I'll wait Admin answer
Accepted by admin
Subdomains should be taken into account in the main domain template.
Template #12 Issue #1
Jun 1, 2017
1. IV Targets: Must Generate
1.1. Pages with static article-like content (e.g news articles)
Accepted by admin
Subdomains should be taken into account in the main domain template.
Template #14 Issue #1
Jun 7, 2017
IV not generated for target page
Accepted by admin
Template #17 Issue #1
Jun 9, 2017
no iv for blog post
Declined by admin
Kindly resubmit with a link to a template that handles this case better.
Template #18 Issue #1
Jun 12, 2017
This page must have instant article. This is news
Declined by admin
Kindly resubmit with a link to a template that handles this case better.
Template #20 Issue #1
Jun 13, 2017
Supported mp4 video is missing
Accepted by admin
The video is missing.
Template #23 Issue #1
Jun 16, 2017
figcaption missed
Accepted by admin
Any captions present in the source article must be preserved.
Template #23 Issue #2
Jun 16, 2017
For admin: Check original page. This is not subheader, or lead-text. This is subtitle
It's wrapped into <div class="article_introtext">. My template formats such intors to <h5>.
Declined by admin
Template #25 Issue #1
Jun 16, 2017
"For admin: Check original page. This is not subheader, or lead-text. This is subtitle"
It's wrapped into <div class="article_introtext">. My template formats such intors to <h5>." and so? this is look like subtitle, and below u have lead-text. Don't care for wrapped into <div class="article_introtext">.
It's not a subtitle. It's summary sentence (actually there is even more than one sentece). It's only advised, but not required to convert these into subtitle.

I ignore that _advise_ because these are really lenghty — from aesthetic perspective these sentences would look just bad in huge subtitle font.

Checklist clearly states that and explains difference between subtitle and summary sentences.
Declined by admin
The subtitle is optional in this case.
Template #25 Issue #2
Jun 16, 2017
Why don't have IV for this page? This is ONE-column table. Why not supported
14 years old (!) weekly events (!!) overview, that's why.
It doesn't even display properly on original — images are missing.
No real point in writing additional conditions for these.
Declined by admin
Obscure page. It's optional to generate IV in this case.
Template #27 Issue #1
Jun 17, 2017
Page contains VK post, which can't be displayed in IV.
Sholdn't generate IV.
Accepted by admin
Template #29 Issue #1
Jun 17, 2017
Those are useless blocks:
1) Title duplicated
2) Table of Contents will not work in IV
1) It's the title of table of contents, no reason to remove. Also it could be different from title.
2) Table of contents DO work in IV, check sample templates:
Declined by admin
1. This text is duplicated in the source;
2. It works fine.
Template #35 Issue #1
Jun 17, 2017
Title duplicate
It's the title of table of contents, no reason to remove. Also it could be different from title.
Declined by admin
Duplicated issue:
Template #37 Issue #1
Jun 17, 2017
IV not generated, my template handles that
Oleg Čerr
Okay, I'm done with Fontanka :D
It's veeery confusing site :)
Accepted by admin
Template #38 Issue #1
Jun 18, 2017
This is should be the cover. Otherwise it's being duplicated in the Slideshow.
To be a cover, image must be above the title. It's optional, if it is right under headline (or block like on this page).
Declined by admin
The cover is optional in this case.
Template #38 Issue #2
Jun 18, 2017
Photo is missed
Accepted by admin
The photo is missing.
Template #38 Issue #3
Jun 18, 2017
Date is missed
It's not a publication date, but date of event.
Could be a range of dates also:
Declined by admin
Reporter's template doesn't seem to handle this either.
Template #38 Issue #4
Jun 18, 2017
This should be a FIGCAPTION.
Oh man... seems like it's impossible to handle this site properly... I'm done with it. I wish you luck :)
Accepted by admin
The caption is missing.
Template #41 Issue #1
Jun 18, 2017
Missing figcaption with link to gallery
Accepted by admin
Template #41 Issue #2
Jun 18, 2017
Template doesn't display captionions properly, if they are in <strong>
Accepted by admin
Template #44 Issue #1
Jun 19, 2017
Event date missing
First: you're showing __event__ date in original (range of dates in curret situations), and publication date in preview (but it's actually displayed at bottom of article in original). It's very missleading, don't you think?

Second: you're template does exactly the same thing. I decided not to append into article body, since it: 1) not in body of article (it's around tags); 2) doesn't change meaning of the text; 3) pretty much every article clearly says event date in text (second line of lead paragraph here); 4) It would require me to append some kind of exmplanation string from myself (two dates with links doesn't make much sense, huh?), which would qualify as content added by author (5. Extraneous content) and instantly take me out of contest.
Declined by admin
Reporter's template doesn't seem to handle this either.
Template #41 Issue #3
Jun 19, 2017
Missing anchors, table of contents links wouldn't work.
Accepted by admin
Template #41 Issue #4
Jun 19, 2017
Static article w/o anything specific or unsupported.
Accepted by admin
Template #44 Issue #2
Jun 19, 2017
author is missing
I guess you're talking about last paragraph — it's simple //p/em without any other tags or additional attributes, that allow to say for sure that it's author name. And I don't think it's very clever to just select that last //p/em and hope that it doesn't turn out bad.

Other than that there is no author info that is possible to parse.
Declined by admin
Template #44 Issue #3
Sep 1, 2017
Hello. Can you remove from this site view field "by".

It's a hidden field, but you disclose it.
What's the point? It's presented in source code that each client (browser) recieves, so it's not a secret.

If you're related to this site just remove author information from article source, so clients (including IV bot) don't get that information.
Declined by admin
Template #44 Issue #4
Oct 2, 2017
Страница отображает редирект, вместо содердимого.
Declined by admin
Template #44 Issue #5
Jan 24, 2018
Предположим этот Лабковский профессионал своего дела, но в стране не 10 или 20 проблемных семей. Например: в Свердловске психолога дет дома посадили за убийство матери.. как с этим быть?
Declined by admin
Template #44 Issue #6
Apr 15, 2018
Add translate
Declined by admin
Template #44 Issue #7
Jul 13, 2018
Missing IV
Accepted by admin
Template #45 Issue #1
Jul 25, 2018
нет фоток
Accepted by admin
Template #47 Issue #1
Sep 22, 2018
Сигизмунд Собакин:
В действиях так называемых журналистов из фонтанка.ру нет ли ни каких признаков противоправных действий? Роются в каких-то базах выставляют на показ личные данные граждан. Легально ли они получают доступ к личным данным. Для чего они это делают? Есть ли тут признаки измены Родины. Почему они так переживают за судьбу предателя, не потому ли, что сами являются предателями?
Declined by admin
Template #48 Issue #1
Nov 3, 2018
Для просмотра в полный размер кликните мышкой
Accepted by admin
Template #49 Issue #1
Nov 7, 2018
Не прокатило!
Declined by admin
Template #49 Issue #2
Dec 29, 2018
Video doesn't work
Declined by admin
Template #49 Issue #3
Jan 18, 2019
Название сайта
Accepted by admin
Template #50 Issue #1
Jan 25, 2019
Господи, какой ужас!! Моя бабушка Ленинградка, оказавшаяся на лето в Псковской обл. прошла лагеря, и мы точно знаем, что не хотела бы она видеть блокадный хлеб. И уж точно, поколении отведавшее «Равиоли» и т д не осознают ужас тех дней, попробовав блокадный хлеб. А их искривлённые лицам усмешки, уж точно пережить Питерцам не возможно.
Declined by admin
Template #55 Issue #1
May 27, 2020
Не Игоря Клопкова , А Игорь Клопков . «В защиту выступил член ИКМО с правом совещательного голоса Игоря Клопкова, который также направил обращение в ЦИК. Он был непосредственным участником событий в «Озере Долгом», и сообщил комиссии: заявление, что Мамин запятнал себя на прошлых выборах — «откровенная дезинформация». Его обращение зачитал Левичев»
Declined by admin
Template #60 Issue #1
Jun 26, 2020
Фотографии не соответствуют действительности, заезд с другой стороны, практически в любой точке жк есть продуктовый магазин
Declined by admin