Processed Issues34

This page shows a list of issues for that were approved or declined by our admins.

Template #2 Issue #1
Feb 4, 2019
Accepted by admin
Wrong subtitle
Template #3 Issue #1
Feb 4, 2019
Источник: Следственное управление Следственного комитета Российской Федерациипо Республике Ингушетия"
I was guided by this point:
Declined by admin
Template #3 Issue #2
Feb 6, 2019
IV is missing supported video
Accepted by admin
Template #5 Issue #1
Feb 8, 2019
Image caption
Accepted by admin
Template #7 Issue #1
Feb 9, 2019
Image from the end of the article taken as cover.
Accepted by admin
Template #9 Issue #1
Feb 11, 2019
This is auto-generated rudimentary content. It is possible to reliably remove it. Check my template!
Andrew A.
It's not auto-generated. It's part of the article text. Even if it was, we can't remove the location that the news is about. It's a common practice in press to start articles with something like "29 April 2018, MOSCOW. Bla-bla-bla-bla-bla".
Declined by admin
Template #9 Issue #2
Feb 11, 2019
Referring to issue #1 . This is indeed auto generated. It's precise time of publication and it's Category(which you can find at the bottom of original page)
Andrew A.
As I said. Even if it's auto-generated, it's part of the article text. Why would you want to remove the location that the news is about? "It's a common practice in press to start articles with something like "29 April 2018, MOSCOW. Bla-bla-bla-bla-bla"."
Declined by admin
Template #9 Issue #3
Feb 11, 2019
image description
Accepted by admin
Template #13 Issue #1
Feb 14, 2019
missing identifiable image description

.detail-picture__caption next to <img>

On other pages:
Accepted by admin
Template #19 Issue #1
Feb 14, 2019
Whitespace paragraph. It not exists in source page so should be removed. Here is a case of same issue accepted by arbiter ->
Andrew A.
Original looks the same. Seriously, what's the point of this? I could file you an issue that in your template, you removed whitespace in the beggining that exists in the original. I don't think this would take us anywhere.
Declined by admin
It's not critical.
Template #19 Issue #2
Feb 15, 2019
Must be caption
Andrew A.
It's clearly a one-off. Usually on this site, the caption is placed just below the image, for example:,, My template handles these cases well. In this case, the caption is at some distance from the image. I can't account for every possible layout mistake that the site editors make.
Declined by admin
It's not so critical if this issue appears only on this particular page. Space between a picture and its caption seems unusual.
Accepted by admin
As this issue is accepted
this one would be better to be fixed as well. Even with the white space this caption has class="detail-picture__caption"
Template #19 Issue #3
Feb 16, 2019
This paragraph is not static and should be removed. See
Andrew A.
It's a part of the article text. Why would I remove the location that the news is about? It's a common practice in press to start articles with something like "29 April 2018, MOSCOW. Bla-bla-bla-bla-bla".
Accepted by admin
Publication's date has its specific place in IV. Would be better to remove the date from the text.
Template #19 Issue #4
Feb 16, 2019
Must be caption
Andrew A.
It can't be reliably identified. Standard captions on this site go in a tag with the class "detail-picture__caption", like here: My template handles these cases well.
Accepted by admin
The caption can be identified, since both image and text are in the same paragraph. Would be better to handle it.
Template #19 Issue #5
Feb 16, 2019
Divided paragraph
Andrew A.
It's not an issue of the template. Look in the code:

П<img ...>осетители

It's only by a lucky chance that this is displayed well in the original section. I shouldn't fix the site editor's mistakes.

And your template potentially introduces other issues by moving the image in front of the paragraph. In places where the image really goes after some text, it will move the image above that text.
Declined by admin
Putting an img tag right in the middle of the word is definitely a site's problem. Would be better to handle it but we can't blame Template #19 for missing this specific case.
Template #45 Issue #1
Feb 16, 2019
Missing cover
Declined by admin
Since the image has no specific formatting, it's optional.
Template #43 Issue #1
Feb 16, 2019
Missing cover
Not obligatory
Declined by admin
It's optional.
Template #43 Issue #2
Feb 16, 2019
MIssing author
Not obligatory. Previous version of my template had authors support, but website changed its layout recently. So I decided to disable it for safety
Accepted by admin
Template #19 Issue #6
Feb 16, 2019
Sorry for duplicating the issue. It's about whitespace paragraphs. If these paragraph are in source page(cases and ) - it's ok if they will in resulting IV page. In the page empty paragraphs may be not deleted.
But if these paragraphs creating after processing by your template(case ) - that's an issue. Like at this page
Andrew A.
Empty paragraph is in fact in the source.

<p><img ...> </p>

— this creates an empty paragraph (to be exact, a paragraph with an image, which is moved up in the IV, and a non-breaking space).

And you can see the same empty space in the original section as in the IV.
Declined by admin
It's optional.
Template #43 Issue #3
Feb 16, 2019
Referring to issue #2
Pretty much everybody else, except you supports author for this web site.
Yes, it's true. I'm talking about possibility of changing website layout at future. Then everybody may got something like "by Новороссийский подросток сжег заживо пьяного приятеля". Yes, one of my iv pages had exactly such author :)
Accepted by admin
Template #45 Issue #2
Feb 17, 2019
Incorrect author
The author is shown in the .bs-tags block.

This block is generated and if there is an author, then it is displayed there.

Author specified correctly.

Your block is part of the article.
Declined by admin
Template #45 Issue #4
Feb 17, 2019
Referring to issue #3
It is easily identifiable! Check anybody else's template.
easily != clearly

repeat: just <p> block with align
Accepted by admin
The caption can be identified, since both image and text are in the same paragraph. Would be better to handle it.
ok, <p center><img/><i>text</i></p> - let it be clearly identifiable.

I have another questions:

This issue was declined after acceptance

and how the reason is said: "It seems it's not typical for recent articles. Since it's article from 2014, it's not crticial"

1. From what year, I have to handle the article?
2. How to determine: article is typical or article is not typical?

another "non typical", from 2015:

the link is still there.

I posted a issue with the first article I got.
I will find more and more if needed.
This is not the issue of one article.
This is a global issue.
Accepted by admin
Template #19 Issue #7
Feb 17, 2019
Author is missing
Accepted by admin
The reporter's template handles this case better.
Template #43 Issue #4
Feb 17, 2019
Author is missing. Although one of other issues already stated it, but in that case author is actual human being with first and last name, not some organization.
Maybe this is weak excuse but website layout updated recently and author name moved to article footer. Here is a proof - and how is it now - . It may be temporary so I decided to leave it as is
Accepted by admin
Would be better to handle authors properly even if their location has changed week ago.
Template #47 Issue #1
Feb 18, 2019
Related articles block is not included in the IV page
It literally says "This week's popular". Those are not related articles.
Declined by admin
Template #50 Issue #1
Feb 18, 2019
No cover image created
Declined by admin
Template #51 Issue #1
Feb 18, 2019
No cover image created
Declined by admin
obligatory to use a cover image.
Template #47 Issue #4
Feb 18, 2019
Accordindly to site_name in preview is incorrect. It should be handled even in unsupported pages
There is no such requirement in the checklist.
Declined by admin
Template #47 Issue #5
Feb 19, 2019
Replying to - there is requirement to remove all unnecessary data. In this case - " - Последние интересные новости, события, факты сегодня" should be removed
But there is no requirement in the checklist to support link preview even without IV.
Declined by admin
Template #51 Issue #2
Feb 19, 2019
this is not part of the article, this is the section title
Page layout seems to be broken. This is impossible to handle such cases by IV template
Accepted by admin
This block can be identified and removed. See:
Template #47 Issue #6
Feb 19, 2019
this is not part of the article, this is the section title
I'm pretty sure there is an issue with IV engine or something.
On the screenshot provided below it is supposed to show the node it has to delete, but it shows none, even though it says it was able to find one. I assume that for the same reason it doesn't delete it.
Accepted by admin
I checked your template. Debug results:
Template #47 Issue #7
Feb 20, 2019
non-article content not removed

On "such" sites broken site layout - the usual thing.
It is good to be prepared for this.

Just remove all blocks that do not belong to the article.

similar pages:
My template handles almost all of the articles with broken layout.
Another problem would be if the new article shows up with another type of broken layout.
And as you said. It is a "usual thing"
So I think that supporting 99.9% of the pages( if not more) is good enough.
Accepted by admin
Template #51 Issue #3
Feb 20, 2019
On "such" sites broken site layout - the usual thing.
It is good to be prepared for this.

Just remove all blocks that do not belong to the article.

similar pages:
Yup, it's good to be prepared for this. But broken layout is really exceptional thing. It's normal if template behaves unpredictable in such cases. In my template's case - throwing error and redirecting user to browser is correct enough behaviour(Nazar's template doesn't it )
Accepted by admin
Template #47 Issue #8
Feb 20, 2019
Instagram post here. Can be supported.
This is just a single case, in other articles instagram is supported.
Accepted by admin
Template #57 Issue #1
Feb 21, 2019
Andrew A.

P.S. If such a question arises, I don't make this block into a cover intentionally: it is too small for a cover way too often, for example:
Accepted by admin